HP's OpenCIM StraTegy for Manufacturers SR136 The purpose of the self-paced course is to enable the learner to articulate HP's OpenCIM Strategy, along with the products and technologies associated with it, to their customers. STUDENT PROFILE: SRs and SEs who are targeted for a territory with manufacturing companies. PREREQUISITES: SR183 NewWave Computing: Technology Fundamentals A score of 80% or better on above Mastery Test represents satisfactory competion. STUDENT PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Upon completion of this course, students will be able to: o Describe key industry trends impacting manufacturers. o Describe and articulate HP's OpenCIM strategy, its value to the customer and HP's advantage over the competition. o Describe the HP products that overcome obstacles to cooperative computing, as applied to manufacturers. o Describe key differentiators of HP's OpenCIM Strategy COURSE OUTLINE: Unit 1: Trends Toward Time-Based Competitiveness Unit 2: NewWave Computing for Manufacturers HP's OpenCIM Strategy Unit 3: HP's OpenCIM Computing Technologies HP Products Unit 4: Summary: Key differentiators of HP's OpenCIM Strategy In addition to the workbook, there is included a VHS tape of an HP Manufacturing Industry Manager presenting the OpenCIM Strategy slide presentation to a potential customer. TESTING PROCESS: Self-Assessment test included in workbook. To access Mastery Test, send an HPDesk message to: Fieldtest Admin Subject: SR136 A score of 80% or better represents satisfactory completion. FORMAT: Self-paced workbook with VHS videotape LOCATION: N/A LENGTH: Self-paced workbook: 2 hours Videotape: 30 minutes AVAILABILITY: 10/90 EQUIPMENT LIST: VHS Videotape player (optional) CLASS SIZE: N/A ORDERING INFO: Heart I-2 order from Support Materials Organization, Roseville, CA (SMO/C200) Part # 22845-92003. QUESTIONS?: Yvonne Hedstrom (408) 447-1161